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The Personal Touch: Choosing a Local Therapist Versus Online Platforms

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How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last?


Louis Laves-Webb

July 22, 2022

Within approximately 3 months of giving birth, some women can experience unexplainable sadness. These depressive-related feelings were not present before giving birth and often times one of the only precipitating events was childbirth. This can be a confusing, complicated, and worrisome experience for all involved. Although the exact etiology of this type of depression isn’t…

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Remembering Kerri Grote

Self Improvement

Louis Laves-Webb

July 5, 2022

My friend Kerri Grote passed away this morning. While I am still processing, I wanted to share the words she left to be read upon her passing. Life is short. I hope they bring you perspective, inspiration, and healing as they did for me. R.I.P Kerri. You are loved: “If you’re reading this, this fu$king…

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How Does Depression Affect The Brain?


Louis Laves-Webb

June 28, 2022

More than 21 million people in the United States, or approximately 8.5% of the population, live with some sort of depression. Depression is known primarily for affecting people’s moods, but it can also be responsible for changes in people’s motivation levels, attitudes, thoughts, and actions. As brain and neuroscience research continues to make advances, it…

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Can Depression Cause Memory Loss?

Depression, Uncategorized

Louis Laves-Webb

June 14, 2022

Depression is a mental condition that can have multiple symptoms, including difficulties in motivation, ambition, and challenges with focusing on work, school, or other day-to-day tasks. Chronic depression has also been correlated to short-term memory problems such as confusion and forgetfulness in some individuals. Often, these short-term memory lapses will abate as depression is treated…

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How To Get Over Postpartum Depression

Depression, Relationships

Louis Laves-Webb

April 26, 2022

Postpartum depression, also known as PPD, is a common condition affecting over 3 million women in the United States each year. PPD is more intense and longer-lasting than the also common “baby blues”, which are general feelings of sadness occurring within the first few days after having a child. In some cases, postpartum depression doesn’t…

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Procrastination & Depression


Louis Laves-Webb

April 20, 2022

“Maybe later…” Do underlined depressive symptoms unconsciously contribute to procrastination or do procrastination behaviors lead to feelings of depression? The intersection of procrastination and depression is a weighted and interesting picture of overall mental health. Depressed feelings and procrastination are very common occurrences. At Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates we’ve supported numerous clients to…

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Does Intimacy Even Exist?


Louis Laves-Webb

March 1, 2022

Psychologist Erik Erikson postulated that human beings have certain inalienable developmental tasks that are associated with each stage of our lives from crib to grave. These stages, he suggested, are binary and that we either “successfully” accomplish a given stage or we become entrenched in a form of “arrested development” as we encounter…

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How To Better Manage Feeling Nervous

Anxiety, Self Improvement

Louis Laves-Webb

February 24, 2022

Feeling nervous is a normal and natural part of the human experience. Whether it’s meeting someone new, a job interview, or a public speaking engagement, feeling nervous can come with the territory. Additionally, some individuals that may be more prone to feelings of anxiety, social nuances, have a history of traumatic experiences or have a…

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All About Anxiety Tics


Louis Laves-Webb

February 9, 2022

Anxiety disorders can range in breadth and scope and can be significantly varied in their presentation. They can include social anxieties, perfectionism, obsessive thoughts coupled with compulsive behaviors, cutting, eating disorders, phobias, and tics. It is common to have a cluster of anxiety symptoms and although we are going to look more deeply at nervous…

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How Austin Marriage Counseling Can Improve Your Relationship

Relationships, Therapy

Louis Laves-Webb

December 7, 2021

Many couples can become entrenched in negative cycles, power struggles, or difficult feelings that arise during the course of their relationships. The good news is that you are not alone. On the road to true intimacy, trust, and connection, relationship friction is considered normal and even a necessary part of a viable relationship process. What…

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