How To Better Manage Feeling Nervous

Louis Laves-Webb

February 24, 2022

Feeling nervous is a normal and natural part of the human experience. Whether it’s meeting someone new, a job interview, or a public speaking engagement, feeling nervous can come with the territory.  Additionally, some individuals that may be more prone to feelings of anxiety, social nuances, have a history of traumatic experiences or have a heightened emotional radar can experience nervousness more pervasively and with a greater negative impact. Those that live with anxiety, or other anxiety spectrum difficulties can often identify with feelings of nonstop nervousness.  Feeling extremely nervous or suffering from debilitating panic is downright awful and can cause considerable suffering.  However, there are some tangible approaches you can take to better manage your nervousness.  In this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog, we’ll discuss some methods of how to reframe anxiety as a whole, how to self-regulate more effectively, and how to counterintuitively go toward your anxiety.


Why Do Some People Feel More Nervous Than Others?

*Individuals that tend to rank higher on empathy, feeling, and intuition may show a greater propensity toward anxiety disorders. Additionally, individuals that struggle with a general anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety, or panic disorder with or without agoraphobia can have a challenging time managing their feelings of nervousness.  Nervousness brought on by these types of disorders can also have a somatization impact contributing to headaches, body aches, shaking/trembling, rapid heartbeat, chest tightness, stomach aches, diarrhea, sweating, and more. Some psychological theories suggest that anxiety/trauma can be multi-generational and that certain hypersensitivities or traumas can be passed on from one generation to the next. Individual Insecurities or negative/fluctuations in self-esteem can also be a contributor to certain types of anxiety.

No Need To Be Nervous About Feeling Nervous

Try and suspend any judgment associated with your nervous feelings.  Try not to fight it.  Allow it and simply let the nervousness come and go.  Remind yourself that you have been through this before and although it may indeed feel awful, you can practice increasing your ability to “tolerate” the feeling. From Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S:“I say this with compassion and care.  Sometimes it can be significantly important to feel nervous and “do the thing anyway”.  Behavior modification techniques stem from the premise that if you behave in a particular way that over time the positive feeling will eventually follow.  With this said, it’s crucial to find your own “growth edge” because pushing yourself too much beyond what is appropriate can actually be contraindicated.”Whether it’s public speaking, a job interview, or a date, practice, practice, practice.  The more comfortable you can become with the uncomfortable situation the easier it should become over time.  

Put Yourself In An Honest Mindset

Going into an uncomfortable situation while acknowledging your feelings and acknowledging that this may not be the easiest situation for you is a great first step toward setting yourself up for success. Remember, it’s okay to be nervous.  It doesn’t make you bad, weak, or faulty.  Every one of us is human and there are certain situations that can simply be more challenging at times.  

Try Relaxation Techniques

From Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S:“I heard Bill Murray once say that everything is easier when you do it more relaxed.  I imagine that’s probably true.  So, make it a regular practice to relax, breathe, meditate, or cultivate your own spiritual or religious practice if that resonates for you.  Experiencing regular relaxation is foundational to mental health.  “What you fire, you wire” and so it’s important that you are creating new, more relaxed neural pathways in your brain.”There are a number of other things you can do to try and cope with your stress. Alternative nervousness handling techniques can include:

  • Yoga
  • Mediation
  • Massages
  • Listening to podcasts, music, other forms of entertainment
  • Enjoy time with a pet
  • Aromatherapy

Talk To Friends, Family, or a Professional Therapist

One of the most effective ways to reduce nervousness is to talk about your feeling with friends, trusted family members, or a therapist.  You won’t get any bonus points for struggling alone. On the other hand, Therapists, like the ones here at Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates have the experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to help you work through many challenges, including feelings of nervousness. They’ll help you uncover where your nervousness may stem from and how you can improve upon those feelings for the long term. For nervousness therapists in Austin or online, contact Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates.

Looking For A Therapist To Help You Overcome Your Feelings of Nervousness?

Our team of therapists has helped countless patients overcome their feelings of nervousness. Whether you are located in Austin or the nearby areas or anywhere else in the world, our therapists can help you in person or online. For tips on how to overcome nervousness from a therapist, contact Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates.

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