Anxiety, Self Improvement
Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S
December 12, 2022
Ergophobia can be defined as an irrational, extreme, and sometimes severe fear of work and the surrounding features of work. This fear of work includes work-related tasks, social relationships, or public speaking. Learn more here.
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Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S
December 12, 2022
Some people have a fear of spiders, known as arachnophobia. Others have a fear of being without their mobile device, known as nomophobia. One of the rarer phobias is known as globophobia: the fear of balloons.
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Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S
November 21, 2022
Ablutophobia is an unexplainable and overwhelming fear of cleaning, washing, or bathing. Like other phobias, ablutophobia is a form of anxiety disorder. Also like other phobias, ablutophobia is centered around a fear of a specific situation.
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Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S
November 15, 2022
Nomophobia comes from the phrase “No Mobile Phone Phobia”. It is used to describe a psychological condition in which an individual has a fear of being away from their phone, or away from mobile phone service. Nomophobia is a newer fear among people, as mobile phones have only been as popular as they are today for about 15 years.
Read MoreSelf Improvement
Louis Laves-Webb
October 31, 2022
Our worlds are dynamic, fluid, and perpetually in flux. Limitations in mental creativity, adaptability, or an improvisational skill set can leave individuals clinging to perfectionism or “decision tree” type ways of navigating the world that ultimately perpetuate the problems they may be attempting to solve.
Read MoreDepression, Self Improvement
Louis Laves-Webb
October 11, 2022
Experiencing grief is an entirely normal and natural response to loss. Grief is a form of emotional suffering that often includes, strong and intense feelings of denial, anger, sadness, lethargy, sleep problems, confusion, and feelings of rawness. While these emotions may feel significantly intense, they are very normal reactions and part of the “grieving process”.…
Read MoreAnxiety
Louis Laves-Webb
September 13, 2022
Do you find that you have an unexplainable fear or anxiety of open or crowded places, leaving your home, or being in a place where finding an escape route may be limited? These are some of the primary symptoms of agoraphobia, a common anxiety disorder affecting more than 200,000 Americans yearly. But what exactly is…
Read MoreTherapy
Louis Laves-Webb
August 23, 2022
Internal Family Systems Therapy, also known as IFS therapy, is a form of psychotherapy focusing on the inner “Self” and “parts” of an individual. IFS practitioners understand and work with the natural multiplicity of the human mind. The various parts or sub-personalities serve different roles, including holding pain and trauma and protecting from these…
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Louis Laves-Webb
August 10, 2022
Arithmophobia can be defined as a seemingly unexplainable and intense fear of numbers. Some individuals fear things like unlucky numbers like 13 or 666, while others are afraid of all numbers or mathematics as a whole. Depending on the severity of the phobia, this phobia can actually be fairly debilitating. Some individuals can have static…
Read MoreDepression
Louis Laves-Webb
August 2, 2022
*Please note that the following blog primarily examines postpartum depression from a heterosexual view. This is not intended nor dismissive of any other sexual identity relationship as postpartum depression can occur in multiple ways across all new parental relationships* Postpartum depression is a rather familiar and common occurrence pertaining to women that have just…
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