Self Improvement
Louis Laves-Webb
January 7, 2015
Being the beginning of January, you’re probably hearing tons of “New Years Resolution” talk amongst your peers. While goal setting is a great way to make changes in your life, there are a few things you can do to ensure you are making healthy goals and not setting yourself up for failure.
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Louis Laves-Webb
November 28, 2014
Conflicts arise in every relationship, and most of us have walked away from an argument with a partner wishing it had gone better. Maybe you said something you didn’t mean or you completely shut down and didn’t express your feelings at all.
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Louis Laves-Webb
November 17, 2014
One of the most powerful experiences of being an adult is that by definition, we can no longer be abandoned.
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Louis Laves-Webb
November 10, 2014
You very well may be MORE responsible for what you don’t share than for what you do share.
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Louis Laves-Webb
November 4, 2014
There is no discovery without risk and what you risk reveals what you value.
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Louis Laves-Webb
October 30, 2014
Resilience refers to one’s ability to healthily cope with problems and obstacles in life. People who are resilient are able to manage and recover from difficult experiences, rather than dwelling on them or using unhealthy means of coping.
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Louis Laves-Webb
October 21, 2014
Figure out who you are, then do it on purpose.
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Louis Laves-Webb
October 14, 2014
The skill set of emotional toleration (the ability to sit with and “tolerate” a range of emotional states) can sometimes be a wonderful ally in delaying gratification, practicing patience, and aiding with communication.
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Louis Laves-Webb
October 7, 2014
One of the more advanced expressions of emotional IQ, is the ability to take full ownership of emotions or behaviors that are ours to own, while simultaneously having enough strength and resilience to not “take on” what is not ours to own.
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Louis Laves-Webb
September 30, 2014
All long-term relationships are tasked with the challenge of negotiating problems as they occur in the relationship. Many of the problems are situational in nature, however some may be more perpetual.
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