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The Personal Touch: Choosing a Local Therapist Versus Online Platforms

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Why Heartbreak is Important For Your Life


Louis Laves-Webb

October 19, 2016

Often breakups are seen as a source of negativity, but experiencing this passage can provide you with genuine opportunities for growth and self-examination.

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6 Simple Ways To Prepare For A Relationship


Louis Laves-Webb

September 21, 2016

Relationships are made up of a variety of elements, which include time, energy, and dedication. Having a positive mindset allows for you to enjoy the rewards of a relationship, which is why it’s recommended that you prepare yourself for a relationship at your own pace.

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A Simple Guide to Navigating Long Distance Relationships


Louis Laves-Webb

May 6, 2016

Building a lasting relationship takes a good amount of dedication, and adding distance into the equation could result in some challenges that will have to be overcome as a couple.

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How Listening Skills Affect Communication

Self Improvement

Louis Laves-Webb

March 8, 2016

Research on storytelling is at the heart of how listening affects interaction with your interlocutor. To be not only heard but listened to is a feat that requires careful choice of words, sentence structure, story elements, and intense amounts of patience and practice.

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Overcoming Defensiveness in Relationships


Louis Laves-Webb

January 15, 2016

The psychological reward we receive from the affirmation that we have made a judgment or decision that is “right” can be profound and habit-forming. Conversely, it can be deeply upsetting to be proven wrong or to make a decision that has resulted in a particularly negative consequence.

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The Shadow Side of the Legal Profession

Depression, Therapy

Louis Laves-Webb

December 11, 2015

I’ve been in practice for about 15 years, working with the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program, or TLAP, and many people in the legal field, specifically around depression, addiction, and anxiety. I’m going to speak with you today about the shadow side of the legal profession as well as some of the signs and symptoms of addiction and depression.

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A Therapy Case Study on Depression

Depression, Therapy

Louis Laves-Webb

November 17, 2015

If you are struggling with depression, take a look at the video from The following is based on an actual case of a man who woke up one day and couldn't stop crying.

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A Case Study on People Pleasing


Louis Laves-Webb

November 17, 2015

If you have ever unwillingly put your needs behind someone else's, this is for you. This is a real case study of a woman who was a people pleaser.

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How Couples Counseling Can Strengthen Your Relationship


Louis Laves-Webb

November 3, 2015

The idea of couples counseling, can evoke feelings of concern, angst, and hope. We hear some common myths surrounding couples counseling; myths such as: “It’s too expensive,” “Couples counseling won’t help us,” or “It’s not worth the time.” To help offer a more informative viewpoint, we put together an infographic to assist clients in determining if couples counseling may be of benefit to them.

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Committed Relationships vs. Casual Dating


Louis Laves-Webb

October 23, 2015

Our primary relationships can be one of the greatest sources of fulfillment, creativity, love, and connection that we can experience as human beings. These relationships are a continual exercise in subtle negotiations, empathic connection, and our ability to stay connected. They can contribute to some of our greatest experiences of love and evoke some of our most profound experiences of fear.

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