Self Improvement
Louis Laves-Webb
September 28, 2017
Passive aggressive behavior can range from subtle innuendos to intense moments of quiet expressions. It be difficult to identify passive aggressiveness at first glance, and what can initially seem like an innocent remark or action can suddenly lead to anger, hostility, and hurt that can impact relationships or other areas of life.
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Louis Laves-Webb
August 25, 2017
The difficult truth is that people don’t always “play nice” or engage in a manner which engenders conversation or acceptance. Sometimes people will act downright ugly and engage in hateful commentary. Social media and other forms of modern day communication make it even easier to share thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, including hateful communications at times.
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Louis Laves-Webb
August 3, 2017
Whether it be learning how to dance, wanting to know how to disassemble an engine, or wanting to ask your partner for some support, asking for help can be a desirable means of making our way in the world.
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Louis Laves-Webb
June 29, 2017
Emotional unavailability can cause concern between a couple in a relationship. Here is some advice on how to deal with a partner that exhibits those signs.
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Louis Laves-Webb
April 28, 2017
The thrill of embracing your independence and making your mark in the world can be an alluring part of finishing college. This stage of life can also be met with feelings of uncertainty and anxiety as you prepare to face the “real world”. This transitional phase of life can feel overwhelming as you say goodbye to your routines, structure, and your known circle of support.
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Louis Laves-Webb
March 24, 2017
Here are some steps you can take to help you regain your confidence, get stronger, and find your footing once more after a breakup.
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Louis Laves-Webb
February 17, 2017
Emotions work as a cooperative system; if you shut down one, you numb yourself as a whole. You cannot selectively only feel those emotions that you wish to feel.
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Louis Laves-Webb
January 23, 2017
Here are three different types of traits to look for and practice in your daily lives to help cultivate a healthy, lasting friendship.
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Louis Laves-Webb
December 16, 2016
We are all degrees of imperfect. This is part of being human and contributes to our uniqueness as individuals. Remembering this can help you work towards building your self-esteem as you strive to create a life filled with happiness and contentment.
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Louis Laves-Webb
November 18, 2016
Patience and time are two essential traits to have as you work to rebuild the path of friendship.
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