5 Components to Health and Happiness

Louis Laves-Webb

November 14, 2013

How can I improve my health and happiness?


I’m going to talk today about some tips that will ensure healthy and lasting bonds in relationships. I have five components to share with you that, if followed, could lead to health and happiness. The first is self-awareness. You must be aware of your desires, your needs, and your wants.

Secondly is acceptance. Understand your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your partner’s strengths and weaknesses. The third component is communication. It is important to honestly communicate your thoughts, feelings, desires, needs, and wants with your partner.

Doing so could make you feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. However, dealing with the momentary discomfort could lead to lasting bonds and security in your relationship. The fourth component is consistency.

Consistency is where trust is build. This is the phase where couples learn to rely and depend on their problem solving techniques. The fifth and final component is accountability. It is very important to be accountable for your own actions.

Being accountable means not placing blame, but understanding your role in the dysfunction of the relationship. These five components could lead to health and happiness in any relationship, whether it’s a marriage or a parenting relationship or a relationship with yourself. Thank you for listening. Good luck. And until next time, choose solutions over stress.

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